Kevin Rudd is hip to the kids… of 2004.

I’m not sure that this is a good idea:

Welcome to the Prime Minister’s blog. The blog is an opportunity for the community to provide comments and engage with each other in relation to the policy initiatives under discussion.

This is how it differs from what you or I would recognise as a “blog”:

  • Looks like it’s one post a week and only comments on the current post will be allowed.
  • Links to other sites will not be permitted.
  • It will have a strict moderation policy.
  • There will be no photos of kittehs.

So you can’t have a detailed discussion (without links, you can’t bring in any actual evidence), you can’t have a vigorous and lively discussion (expect fairly heavy-handed moderation) and once a new subject is raised the last one must disappear forever. And of course the posts themselves will be as carefully-phrased and specific-free as press releases.

Still, it might work because of the allure of the idea that the Prime Minister might be reading. Your stream-of-consciousness off-the-top-of-your-head opinion could influence the highest office holder in the land! Who cares what those other commenters are saying – this is your chance for Kevin Rudd to hear YOU!

Let’s hope he doesn’t degenerate into any more of this sort of thing from his twitter feed, though:

Can’t believe Mozart didn’t get a guernsey in triple js hottest 100 of all time. KRudd

I had to check that it wasn’t someone taking the piss. No, that seriously was the Prime Minister, trying to simultaneously be cool and topical and incredibly, social-outcast level daggy.

On the other hand, if that got past his media advisers, who knows what else could sneak out? Admit it, you’ll be watching.

UPDATE: Just thinking further about this – what motivates many political blogs is a desire to push for change. To advocate for a point of view in the hope that ultimately it makes a difference.

Kind of unnecessary when you’re already the Prime Minister

(Works if you’re powered by anger at the status quo, though.)

11 responses to “Kevin Rudd is hip to the kids… of 2004.

  1. I wonder what he will think when the likes of philip travers starts commenting.

  2. I’m not sure why Rudd needed to setup his own site when it would of been easier just to send his articles to one of the news sites that allow comments.

    Oh, I see that he already has.

  3. Ugh. “I decided to kick off my blogging career…”

    “My blogging career”? Kevin, you’ve already got a pretty good career, which has culminated in BEING ELECTED PRIME MINISTER.

    Starting a “blogging career” just sounds silly.

  4. I’m waiting with baited breath to see what the lolpolz do with this one!

  5. The lolpolz will be tackling this important issue tomorrow. kthxbai.

  6. confessions

    you get a mention in the SMH today jeremy:

    “It was a sentiment shared by “An Onymous Lefty” blogger, Jeremy Sear, who posted a response to the Prime Minister’s blog titled “Kevin Rudd is hip to the kids … of 2004”.

    “The strict moderation will remove the livelier aspects of discussion,” Mr Sear said.”

  7. confessions.. Just read that myself. Talk about Groupthink.

  8. Pingback: History repeats. Already. All hail the PMS blog! « In Touch With The Obvious. Mostly.

  9. they fail to link to Jeremy’s site, but have no trouble blue texting Kevin’s thought-cauterized blog…

  10. Pingback: PM’s first opportunity for a blog “pwning” - Pure Poison

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